Eat and play

Lunchen met kinderen bij Zundert

De ideale plek om te lunchen met kinderen in regio Zundert

Restaurant Vrouwenhof is the place to have a comfortable lunch with your children. Our restaurant is fully equipped for families, so parents can relax and enjoy a delicious lunch while the children have fun in our large outdoor playground. Met een vriendelijke sfeer en een gastvrij team staat Vrouwenhof bekend als het meest kindvriendelijke restaurant in de buurt van Zundert. Hier maken we van lunchen met kinderen een zorgeloze en plezierige ervaring voor iedereen.

A menu for all ages

Our menu bij Vrouwenhof is zorgvuldig samengesteld met opties die zowel volwassenen als kinderen aanspreken. Van zoete pannenkoeken tot rijk belegde broodjes en salades, wij hebben iets voor iedere lunch in regio Zundert. Voor de kleintjes hebben we speciale kindermenu’s die niet alleen lekker maar ook leuk zijn om te eten. Of je nu kiest voor een traditionele kinderfavoriet of een gezonde twist, bij ons kun je altijd rekenen op verse ingrediënten en een menu dat met zorg is samengesteld. Lunchen met kinderen in Zundert wordt bij Vrouwenhof een smakelijk avontuur!

Playing and having lunch in our playground

Na de lunch hoeven kinderen zich geen moment te vervelen dankzij onze ruime en veilige buitenspeeltuin. Terwijl de ouders nog even natafelen, kunnen de kinderen zich uitleven op de glijbanen, schommels en andere speeltoestellen. De speeltuin is vanuit het restaurant goed zichtbaar, dus je kunt ontspannen en genieten terwijl je kinderen in het zicht spelen. Onze speeltuin maakt lunchen met kinderen in regio Zundert bij Vrouwenhof niet alleen gemakkelijk maar ook onvergetelijk. Het is de perfecte manier om een middag vol plezier en lekker eten te combineren.

apple pancake


Our cheerful pancake restaurant is located in playground Vrouwenhof. Keep in mind that you pay an entrance fee from 1 March to 31 October. If you only want to come for dinner, we recommend you go for the lunch observe the following. Would you like to come dining then we advise you to come after 17:00, as you will no longer pay entrance fees.

A good tip is to take out a subscription! That way the children can always come and play, weather or no weather. With 4 plays, you already have the price out of it. That way you also get a discount on a party & in winter 50% discount on your pancake! Read here more about our subscriptions.

What if I want to have lunch alone?

No problem!

"I would like to have lunch only at the pancake restaurant and I don't want to use the playground." We have a solution for that! You get a 2-hour time slot to eat at our restaurant. Before you go in you pay an entrance fee, but if you are back at the entrance within 2 hours you just get this money back! If you are not back within 2 hours then you are a guest of the playground.

This regulation applies to you when:

  • you come between 11:30 & 15:00
  • you 'pay' entrance fees to have lunch
  • you are back at the entrance within 2 hours with the voucher from the restaurant
  • there is a meal for everyone on the restaurant's voucher.

You will not be allowed back in after getting your entrance fee back. Any guests staying? No problem, you will receive the entrance fee back from those who leave.

How it works

We list everything again:

  • once you have paid the entrance fee, you go to the restaurant. You will be given your entrance ticket, this will tell you the time of entry.
  • at the bar, indicate that you only want lunch, our colleagues will take this into account.
  • enjoy lunch together, settle it and ask for the voucher.
  • you go back to the entrance with both the voucher from the entrance and the one from the restaurant.
  • Are you back within 2 hours & have you all eaten something? Then you will get a refund of the entrance fee.

Why this way? We cannot control whether or not you stay in the playground and this way you can come and have a nice lunch without having to pay an entrance fee.

The time indications on the receipts are leading.

We are looking for you!

Do you want to work at the nicest place in Roosendaal? Then apply now!
From March, we are again looking for new fun employees (16 years and older) to join our team! Whether you are already experienced or this will be your first job, it doesn't matter. We will teach you everything!
You will work in a team where we really do it together! A team that works hard, but also likes to have a good time. For example, we have at least 3 staff events in a year, who wouldn't want that?


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